

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Waiting and watching

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”  ~ Anaïs Nin

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to garden.  To get my hands in the dirt and work the soil. I often enjoy the benefits of my labor with pretty posies in my front and back yard. 

I had a beautiful rose bush that I planted at my house right after I bought it and moved in about 13 year ago.  I hand picked it for its color and fragrance.  I wish I could convey to you how much I loved this rose bush. 

It was bright and so delightfully sweet smelling.  
Then, about 11 years after being planted and producing the most luscious blooms I’ve ever seen, it struggled to come back after a harsh winter.  A winter that brought with it several days of below zero temps and wind chill.  I babied it, but no matter what I did, the struggling small stems that came from the ground would turn black and die off.  One year after this, I faced the fact that it was gone and not coming back.  Again, anyone who knows me, knows that I am fiercely loyal and have a hard time giving up on anything……Alas.  I knew it was time.  I got out my shovel and spent loads of time digging up the huge root out of the ground and threw it away.  It was completely dead. 

Then, last year…..I saw small sprouts coming up from the ground.  I was SO EXCITED!   It appeared that it had regenerated itself, most likely, from a small piece of root I missed while digging it up.  I decided to show some TLC to the young one all summer long.  There were no blooms, but I was hopeful that it would only be a matter of time.  I was willing to wait for the next season.   I cut it back in the late fall, and was sure within a matter of months, I would have new rose buds.  

So…I waited, and I watched.  And sure enough, I saw lots of tightly wrapped rose buds beginning to form as the spring time wore on.  Then, I saw one beginning to pop.  I thought…hmmm…..that looks a little different than it did before.  So, I thought, I would wait to see what I had. 

I’ll tell you what I had!  I had a completely different rose bush!  I went from a beautiful coral tea rose that had layers and layers of folds…… to this dark pink bloom with very little to it.  

Let me tell you, I wasn’t exactly happy once the shock wore off.  I was very confused, and to be honest, a little upset.  It wasn’t the same.  It was completely different! 

Boy, God sure has a sense of humor, doesn’t He?  A friend said I might have had a hybrid rosebush and this might be one of the original grafted strands that it started out as.  I don’t know exactly what happened, but I do know that God has spoken to me through this bush.  It wasn’t burning like when He spoke to Moses long ago, but every time I come home or leave, I can’t help but see the bush.  And just like that bush, I most certainly am not the same person that I was long ago.  And I am willing to bet that neither are you! 

Think of Job.  He lost so much, WITH God’s approval.  He was tested in a mighty way.  He lost his children, his family, his animals, and with that, his riches……even his wife told him to curse God and die!  Regardless, he stated that the Lord had given….and that the Lord had taken away……blessed be HIS name!  (Job 1:21).  That takes incredible strength and I admire it.  Later on, his friends were trying to tell him that he had done something wrong and that God was cursing him because of it.  Job replied to them that “though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him” (Job 13:15).  Again, wow!  It’s like Job completely had his rose bush of life uprooted and tossed into the flames.  And if you read the entire book, in the end, he is blessed for his faithfulness to God.  He was given a new ‘rose bush,’  more children, riches, etc.  

Sometimes all has to be stripped away to get back to our original, yet, totally different state.  It's not exactly going back to what we were, and it is certainly not returning to what we once had, but it is getting back to what you started out with, in a whole new way.  

He does the same with us.  We may lose those that we love.  Our bodies will betray us, and perhaps doctors will not be able to give us either the answers we want or any answers at all.  Our situations and circumstances of life will change.  In the process, we change. 

I don’t have all of the answers, but I know the One who does.  Just like chaff blows in the wind, leaving the precious wheat kernel behind, we need to let our chaff blow away as well.  Sometimes, we hold on too tightly to the things He wants us to let go of.  Things that are done….Things that will not or cannot change.  Things best left to blow away, instead of being grasped.    

He has given all to us, and He has the right to allow it to be taken away.  He is both the Giver and the Gift.  Let us not forget the greatest thing that He gave us was Himself.  We are given many good things in this life, but He needs to be our #1 treasure.  

I am confused as to why awful things happen, but the only simple explanation I can come up with is that we live in a fallen world where things will go horribly and tragically wrong at times.  This does not mean that He does not care.  In fact, you might wonder, how could God say that He loves you when horrible things happen?  It is true, though.  He loves you with all that He’s got, and that’s an awful lot!  He loves us enough to let us go through the refining process, through pain and confusion.  I believe that when we weep, He weeps too.  

In Luke 22:31, Jesus told His disciple that Satan had asked to sift the disciples just as wheat is sifted.  If you are not aware, there is a great thrashing that takes place in this process!  In this life, we can expect to be sifted……thrashed.......tested. 

I am positive that you all have had a thrashing of your own in your lives.  Just like plants that have been through a storm, our stems bend, break off, and we might grow a little crooked afterwards.  

Today, I'm reminded of one of my 'thrashings.' This day marks a 10 year anniversary of losing a special family that I was friends with.  I have a lot of anniversaries and days that I wish would not roll around each year because of different significant memories that come up with each of those days.  It’s learning to go on….to find a new normal.  To make peace with the fact that it will never be as it once was.  The fact that we are still here reminds me that we all have a purpose in our existence.  It's about choosing to let go, to move on in Hope.  Hope ~ not just for a meaningful existence with great joy ~ but also a hope that we will be made completely new again in His presence some day.  Let's look for joy in this season, while we patiently wait for the next.  What a day that will be! 

Sunday, January 17, 2016


God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him ~ John Piper

I love being outside.  Especially on days like these last few nights.  There seems to be a hallowed hush when it is cold.  Watching the pups sit and watch the sky, listening to the snow crunch under our feet as we quietly walk along, seeing my breath as I breathe in and out, and listening….to the silence.  I truly savor and soak in the sacredness of these moments.  In these bits of time, I ask my Creator the mysteries of life and thank Him for choosing to be with me despite my faults.

As I stood outside in the frosty stillness, my mind took me to this past weekend.  Yesterday, I got into my car and was praying, please let me and my car, Blue Belle, get to our destination in one piece.  Over night, the temperature had drastically dropped and the rain had turned to ice and the roads were not the best.  To me, it wasn’t just about arriving to my destination, but I was praying for a safe journey on the way. 

I couldn’t help but think how much this is like our lives.  My ultimate destination is to get to Heaven, to see Jesus, but He wants us to take care on our journey until we finally get there one day.   Yep, I’m going to mess up. I do every day!  Ugh.  How I WISH I could learn to keep my mouth shut more!  Think before I speak, be more patient with myself, with those around me…..take care of the one earthly journey that we are given.  Love more, because our days are growing shorter and shorter.  Getting to the destination is important, but how I get there, needs to be equally just as important. 

Living in this flesh takes a lot of work at times.  It would be wishful thinking to say that I always use the perfect words, have the patience of Mother Teresa, react flawlessly when there are ripples and bumps that form in my road of life.......The truth is, we will get frustrated with each other.  We won’t always be happy with our lives.  We will wish for better times.  Our bodies will turn on us and give aches and pains that doctors cannot always help or explain.  Others will disappoint us, and yes, we will fail others.  We’re human and that makes us completely capable of messing up royally.

Tonight as I sat outside, I asked for clarity to it all, once again, as I always do.  And once again, He brought me back to my center…….Jesus.  He absolutely, unequivocally, must be my first thought in all things. He has to be my First Love, my everything.  He is not something I need to work into my life, but something that must be at the center of all. He’s not a cliché or a good luck charm.  Having Him requires that we give up everything, and in exchange, gain everything by being in Him and of Him. 

When He is put first, I will be more careful with my words.  When He has first place, I will do my best to take care of myself.  When He is my all, I will care for those around me.  So many things fall into place when He becomes the foundation of all we do, say, think, and feel.  

It’s easy to forget these lessons in the midst of our days, so I’m asking Him to help me simplify the minutes I've been given.  Life gets crazy very quickly!  Words are said in impatient moments, mistakes are made...people are hurt.  In our quest to be heard, others are silenced......Let's slow down and take care on our journey.  We've been given one life to live.  And at times, it might feel like a nutty soap opera, but with Him, it will be much richer and fuller than we could have ever imagined.

Help me to realize what I already have in You, and help me to want no more than You.  Open our eyes.  We want to see you. First.