

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Three Little Dots…
          I use these a lot when I write, type, etc…. For me, it’s a way of shortening something that might be too long to type.  Or a way to take a pause and let something really sink in for a moment before I go on with my thought.  For something so small, they can represent something that is quite long and meaningful….like our lives.   We are born…we die.  Those three little dots represent a whole lot of living right there!

          Some lives around me have been quite short.  Some lives are 100+ years old, and still going strong!  I often find we don’t look deeper than the surface of those around us.  Sometimes we don’t even look deep into ourselves, for fear of what we may see.  Kind of like looking in a mirror for a very long time.  Staring so long you can almost see all the way into your soul.  What do you see in yourself?  What do others see within you?  What do you see in others?

          When we take the time to observe and ponder our own life story, are we all truly living the life God wants us to have?  Are our lives so hectic that we can’t see straight?  Or are we so bored out of our minds that we can hardly stand it?  Are we living WITH purpose?  Are we living ON purpose?  Jeremiah stated it well, “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.” (Jer. 20:9).  Do we live with that same kind of passion within us?

Time is fleeting and time….is not always promised. Living with the knowledge that we don’t know how much time we have on this side is both a blessing and a curse because it gives me a sense of urgency to live all of the life that God has for me…because this life is a gift and it should be lived to its fullest…it is a very precious thing indeed.

Some might think because life could end tomorrow, so why bother?  Why put one foot in front of the other every day and live the struggle?  What a beautiful struggle it can be.  Because He wants us to live, He has a purpose for us in each and every singe day, and by our choice, we have to be focused on that grand opportunity to keep moving forward.    

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